Today’s Woolness Words post was written by Paula Wolton who is here to talk about ‘woolness’ in the context of pants, knitted knickers, and also lower back pain.
A friend is a sports therapist dealing mainly with dancers and dance related injuries. She is sent many papers on the latest discoveries and cures for debilitating injuries. Our #knittedknickers activities on social media were inspired by research that has determined that wearing woollen underwear is still one of the most effective cures for lower back pain or injuries. The image below is of me at Countryfile Live with our statement woolly knickers with matching jumper made by Heather Firby, (from whom we shall hear again later this month).
I asked Heather to design and knit #knittedknickers in order to capture the public imagination at Countryfile Live which is an excellent (but very busy) place to try and engage people in discussions about where their food and fibre comes from. In order to catch their attention, we came up with the idea of #knittedknickers: like wool superhero pants! Once people noticed their bright colours and grew curious, we could talk more seriously about their woolly composition; where and how they had been made; and their potentially beneficial role in treating lower back pain.
You can download Emine Kiyak’s report on wool as a cure for lower back-pain here.
Important Information: images used are © our woolness contributor, unless otherwise specified, and we really don’t think you can argue with superhero pants for wool.