How you can take #Wovember forward

You may think that because we are no longer creating new content on the blog, that Wovember can’t go forward. That is just not true. As we wrote yesterday… We are all responsible for changing the woolly world!!! Nobody told us to start Wovember – we just did it. And there are ways for you… Continue Reading How you can take #Wovember forward

WOOLNESS WORDS: Sweaters that Talk Back

Today’s Woolness Words post features the fantastic introduction from Lisa Anne Auerbach’s highly recommended book, Charted Patterns for SWEATERS THAT TALK BACK. Lisa Anne Auerbach is known for translating bold political statements into fantastically critical and opinionated knitwear. She recasts the simple sweater as a canvas for activism and ideology. We thought this paragraph offers… Continue Reading WOOLNESS WORDS: Sweaters that Talk Back

Update: Open Letter to The Campaign for Wool

Wovember kicked off early this year, back in September with this Letter to the Campaign for Wool. We’d not planned on starting Wovember so early, but felt called to action by so many grassroots wool workers feeling unsupported by the Campaign for Wool (CfW) and their wool conference un-ironically dubbed “The Davos of Wool”. We… Continue Reading Update: Open Letter to The Campaign for Wool


We interrupt the flow of the EU sheep breeds series to invite you to join an open discussion: #woolbodypositive. This evening we have a special Q&A with Sonya Philip whom you may know from her iconic project “100 acts of sewing“. Wovember is about challenging the fashion industry’s misuse of the terms wool, woolly and… Continue Reading #woolbodypositive

Wool and Brexit

Good evening! We want to update you on a few things. The Wovember Petition First and foremost, we have begun a process for officially submitting the Wovember petition to the European Parliament with a supporting paragraph asking that, in light of the 997 signatures we have collected here, we feel that the confusing EU labelling legislation… Continue Reading Wool and Brexit

Wool Labelling: Deciphering EU Legislation

This evening we’re thrilled to bring you a post by John Arbon who runs a wool mill in North Devon. As well as producing textile products – socks, fibres, hand-knitting yarns – John Arbon creates custom spun yarns for customers like Rachel Atkinson with her wondrous Daughter of a Shepherd Yarn. He’s also developed textile… Continue Reading Wool Labelling: Deciphering EU Legislation

Grassroots Activism – The Power of The #Hashtag

This Wovember we are bringing you content built around the theme of The Politics of Wool and are publishing pieces under five headings – Grassroots Activism; Labels; Think Global, Act Local; Be the Change and Woolpowerment! Throughout the month we are also encouraging Wovember readers to be the change you want to see, and to take Wovember… Continue Reading Grassroots Activism – The Power of The #Hashtag

An Open Letter to The Campaign For Wool

Dear Campaign for Wool, We’d like to introduce ourselves as the organisers of Wovember. We are Felicity Ford and Louise Scollay and Wovember is an annual celebration of wool that takes place every November. We aim to encourage early our audience to enjoy wool throughout the whole month; disabuse consumers about misleading advertising spin and… Continue Reading An Open Letter to The Campaign For Wool

Be the change: an early intro to Wovember 2016

Dear Wovemberists Do not adjust your sets – it is not quite Wovember yet. As you will see there are a few changes going on around here; we are preparing for November. Jointly We hadn’t planned such an early wholesale jerseys China post, so do bear with us while we move the furniture around a… Continue Reading Be the change: an early intro to Wovember 2016