Ovejas y lana en España – sheep and wool in Spain

Today on our EU tour of sheep and wool we are in Spain where the word for sheep is oveja and the word for wool is lana. Spain is where the infamous merino originates from and to give some historical context, we shall begin by quoting from the excellent tome The Wool Trade Past and… Continue Reading Ovejas y lana en España – sheep and wool in Spain

Oi și lână în România – sheep and wool in Romania

Today for our EU Wovember Words post we are in Romania where the word for sheep is oaie, and the word for wool is lână. To begin with the sheep (info from this report); In Romania there are two autochthon native breeds: Turcana, named also Zackel (“mountain peasant”, “Romanian”) or Walachian (“Romanian”), is the sheep… Continue Reading Oi și lână în România – sheep and wool in Romania

lane e pecore d’italia – the wool and sheep of Italy

For today’s stop on the Wovember Words tour of EU sheep and wool we are in Italy where the word for sheep is pecora, and the word for wool is lana. We have two contrasting reports – one that speaks of the demise of the native Sambucana sheep breed of the Stura Valley, and one… Continue Reading lane e pecore d’italia – the wool and sheep of Italy