One of our readers kindly suggested that Wovember should give exposure to independent wool growers & their wares. This is something on which we have definitely focused on previous years, but in all the information residing here, perhaps the relevant articles are not terrible easy to find! We have added a SEARCH form to the… Continue Reading Small Producers Previously featured on WOVEMBER
Tag: Laura Rosenzweig
Laura Rosenzweig on Working with Wool…
This evening we conclude the wonderful story from sheep to textile that lies behind Laura Rosenzweig’s distinctive woven cloth goods. We’ve met the sheep behind Laura’s Looms, and we’ve seen their wool harvested and processed! In this last post from Laura we shall hear about how the final textiles are made. In case you haven’t… Continue Reading Laura Rosenzweig on Working with Wool…
Having read about the careful, careful approach when washing knitted garments yesterday, we will read about a rather different approach which is needed when washing woollen fabrics as part of the finishing process, before it is ready to be made up into woollen items: Knitters, and thrifty housewives, are often appalled at the treatment given… Continue Reading WOVEMBER WORDS #23
Laura Rosenzweig on Growing Wool…
Throughout WOVEMBER some of the people who work with a whole process – from raw sheep, to finished textile – will share their stories here on the WOVEMBER blog in a series of posts spread across the month. One such person is Laura Rosenzweig of Laura’s Loom, who is producing a range of woollen products… Continue Reading Laura Rosenzweig on Growing Wool…