Wovember 2016 prizes announced

Hello! As Louise said yesterday, we’ve been busy looking through all your amazing knitting projects for the Wovember WAL and for the Wovember instagram competition. We’ve been blown away by the quality, quantity and exuberance of your amazing woolly images and projects and are thrilled today to announce the winners! Photo competition There were many… Continue Reading Wovember 2016 prizes announced

A Peep at the Wovember Prizes

As always, here at Wovember we love to award prizes for our Wool-along and for our IG photograph competition. Prizes which speak of wool and of sheep. We have been bowled over by all the wool work you have been knitting, spinning, weaving and so on this Wovember and have also loved seeing your pictures… Continue Reading A Peep at the Wovember Prizes

Announcing Winners!

It is time to announce the winners of the WOVEMBER WAL and the WOVEMBER Instagram Competition. If you have won a prize we shall shortly be in contact. WOVEMBER WAL We would really love to thank EVERYONE who participated in the WOVEMBER WAL on Ravelry, Twitter and Instagram. Sharing wool across these platforms really highlights… Continue Reading Announcing Winners!

The end of WOVEMBER… almost.

Dear WOVEMBERISTS and comrades, Today marks the end of WOVEMBER… almost. We hope you’ll agree that this year has been a particularly exciting edition of our annual woolly festivities. From this end it’s felt important to discuss issues around mislabeling, provenance, traceability and sustainability and to explore some of the potential solutions that WOOL can… Continue Reading The end of WOVEMBER… almost.


Hello and a Very Happy New Year to you all! Apologies for the slight lateness in posting details of our WOVEMBER photo competition and WOVEMBERWAL winners; the Winter was rather busy for all members of the team and we have all been rather swept up in our respective work with WOOL! The festive season saw… Continue Reading WOVEMBER PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS, 2013


As you know, there were 2 parts to the competition; a blog-post contest and a photo-contest. We have awarded prizes accordingly in both categories. Blog posts First prize goes to Kate Woolwinding for her rich accounts of living in Wales, exploring the relationships between her local sheep and her spinning/knitting activities. We particularly loved Kate’s… Continue Reading PRIZES!