WOOLNESS & ME…And the land, the sheep, and the knitter too

Today’s Woolness & Me post was written by Pauline MacPherson from Midlothian, who has been so inspired by the good that wool can do, that she’s recently started her own wool business. As it slides through our fingers, as it warms our bodies, as it soothes our minds, we know the ways in which wool… Continue Reading WOOLNESS & ME…And the land, the sheep, and the knitter too

Belgium and the Belgische melkschapen

Today for Wovember Words, we’re thrilled to tell you about a particular flock of Belgian Milk Sheep, kept by Barbara and Pete in the province of Luxembourg, in Acremont, Belgium. Researching this breed has been quite interesting; French, German and Dutch are all spoken in Belgium and, respectively, the breed is called brebis laitières belge;… Continue Reading Belgium and the Belgische melkschapen

Friday night vi-EWE-ing: Bert & Ernie's blanket

This evening’s Friday night vi-EWE-ing is a recommendation from Wovemberist Joanne Seiff which she has dubbed “wool for the younger set”. This brilliant bit of vi-EWE-ing fun is a wondrous sketch from Sesame Street in which a chorus of sheep serenade Bert about the origins and provenance of his marvelous blanket. Thanks so much for… Continue Reading Friday night vi-EWE-ing: Bert & Ernie's blanket