Rachel from Daughter of a Shepherd

Our second guest for a woolly Wovember chat is Rachel, owner of Daughter of a Shepherd. Rachel has been on a mission to prove the value of wool, particularly from the ancient Hebridean breed. Fay caught up with her and you can watch that here:

Daughter of a Shepherd labels by Rachel Atkinson

For this evening’s post we have Rachel Atkinson here for a Q&A session on labelling. Many of you may know Rachel from following Wovember last year, or through knitting with her 100% British Daughter of a Shepherd yarn. Having looked at the labelling of wool from a legislative EU position and from two people within… Continue Reading Daughter of a Shepherd labels by Rachel Atkinson

Sue Blacker on Labelling

We are delighted that SUE BLACKER is here tonight to weigh in on the labelling theme of this week. Here Sue describes the different forms of labelling that need to be adhered to and considered at the Natural Fibre Company and at Blacker Yarns.   A rose by any other name? Oh I wish it… Continue Reading Sue Blacker on Labelling