As you know, there were 2 parts to the competition; a blog-post contest and a photo-contest. We have awarded prizes accordingly in both categories. Blog posts First prize goes to Kate Woolwinding for her rich accounts of living in Wales, exploring the relationships between her local sheep and her spinning/knitting activities. We particularly loved Kate’s… Continue Reading PRIZES!
Year: 2012
From the phones of Team Wovember!
Wovember readers, we have not forgotten you, neither have we forgotten the issuing of Prizes for your wonderful photo and blog competition entries! Today team Wovember members T & F met to trade woolskills, to talk about Wovember, and to delight together in WOOL. Here is Tom, combing fibres identified as Romney in Deb Robson’s… Continue Reading From the phones of Team Wovember!
Wovember Post Script #1
Well, Wovember is over and the whole team took a well-deserved weekend off! Thank you contributors for sharing all your knowledge, stories, thoughts and ideas. Thank you readers, for all your positive and supportive comments, they kept us going. There are still a few loose ends to tie up: here is Tom talking about his… Continue Reading Wovember Post Script #1
Diane Falck’s last thoughts on WOVEMBER…
This last post comes from Diane Falck, who has been with us throughout WOVEMBER… whose Ouessant sheeps’ wool we have seen Growing; Harvested; Flick-combed (Processed); Hand-spun and hand-knitted (Worked-with); …and Worn. Diane’s beautiful posts about working with her Ouessant wool convey a deep sense of connectedness – the very title ‘Spinning Shepherd’ suggests a real… Continue Reading Diane Falck’s last thoughts on WOVEMBER…
Wearing Wool by Felicity Ford
WARNING: This is a LONG post! Get TEA! Last year working on WOVEMBER prompted me to embark on a personal project – a ten-year long project – entitled The Slow Wardrobe. I wrote about it here, but here are the salient points: I want to propose the establishment of The Slow Wardrobe as a way… Continue Reading Wearing Wool by Felicity Ford
WOVEMBER WORDS #29 – Parting Words
Alas, the last Wovember Words for Wovember2012. Wovember hopes you enjoyed reading all the snippets on growing, harvesting, processing, working with, and wearing wool as much as we had gathering them for you – and that it has peaked your interest enough to go and find one or two of these books for yourself to… Continue Reading WOVEMBER WORDS #29 – Parting Words
Shepherds on Wearing Wool…
As you know, our theme this year for WOVEMBER has been ‘Closing the Gap’. We wanted to do this because we believe it is wrong that textiles derived from oil are allowed to appropriate the pleasant associations of WOOL for their marketing strategies. We also feel that the more information there is in the public… Continue Reading Shepherds on Wearing Wool…
Kate Lynch on Wearing Wool…
Kate Lynch joins WOVEMBER this evening, to talk about the ultimate house & garden WOOL project – dyeing with plants (perhaps from the garden?) to create woollen textiles for the home! Making it meaningful: Thoughts on using natural dyes this Wovember. Wovember highlights and promotes wool as a valuable natural resource. It is a versatile… Continue Reading Kate Lynch on Wearing Wool…
On WOOL in the garden…
I don’t know about you, but this year for me the slugs reached plague proportions what with the wet, humid summer that we had. My first crop of borlotti bean plants – which had been looking so promising and lustrous and lovely towards the end of May – was obliterated to sad stumps overnight. Same… Continue Reading On WOOL in the garden…
Lesley Prior on Wearing Wool…
Lesley Prior of Devon Fine Fibres has been with us throughout WOVEMBER. At the start of the month, she shared some stories on Growing Wool; Then we learned from her about The Wool Harvest; Of how, following the harvest, the wool is sent off for processing; And how Gledhills spinning mill and Finisterre take this… Continue Reading Lesley Prior on Wearing Wool…