Our theme this week is “Be the Change” and that is something we hope that is an encouraging, rallying call for our readers when it comes to the politics of wool. Today’s trip to the archives brings a Q&A with Amy Twigger Holroyd – founder of Keep & Share, from 2012. Keep & Share is the… Continue Reading From the Wovember Archives: Amy Twigger Holroyd on Working with Wool…
Search Results for: "the slow wardrobe"
Wovember 2015
Greetings fellow WOVEMBERISTS! Myself and Team WOVEMBER member Louise Scollay met in Shetland during Shetland Wool Week to advance plans for this year’s annual celebration of sheep and wool. There will be badges! There will be photos from our amazing photographic correspondent Jeni Reid (who captures the very soul of wool in her photos). By… Continue Reading Wovember 2015
A story about turning into yourself and coming full circle
One reason for posting here about yarn production, the origins of wool in the landscape and so on is that these articles help recall what wool is and why it is special. However they also reconnect the textiles that we use and wear in daily life to the daily lives of shepherds, shearers, spinners, mill… Continue Reading A story about turning into yourself and coming full circle
Layter – a celebration of sheep and wool
This post originally appeared on the Kate Davies Designs blog on the 1st of WOVEMBER 2013, and is republished here in celebration of sheep and wool! In case you hadn’t noticed, today is the first of WOVEMBER! I thought I’d begin the month by showing you a garment that, like no other I can think… Continue Reading Layter – a celebration of sheep and wool
Wearing Wool by Felicity Ford
WARNING: This is a LONG post! Get TEA! Last year working on WOVEMBER prompted me to embark on a personal project – a ten-year long project – entitled The Slow Wardrobe. I wrote about it here, but here are the salient points: I want to propose the establishment of The Slow Wardrobe as a way… Continue Reading Wearing Wool by Felicity Ford
Wearing Wool
We are into the last 5 days of WOVEMBER! This means we are into the last topic of our five phases of WOVEMBER blogposts – ‘Growing Wool’, ‘Harvesting Wool’, ‘Processing Wool’, ‘Working with Wool’ and ‘Wearing Wool’. I hope it is by now clear why we chose this structure for organising all the pieces this… Continue Reading Wearing Wool
Amy Twigger Holroyd on Working with Wool…
To round up our “Working with Wool” phase of WOVEMBER and to set the scene for the last and final theme for our month-long celebration – “Wearing Wool” – we have a Q&A with the founder of Keep & Share, Amy Twigger Holroyd. Keep & Share is the umbrella term for Amy’s research, knitting activities… Continue Reading Amy Twigger Holroyd on Working with Wool…
Tom van Deijnen on Working with Wool…
As anyone who reads Tom’s blog will know, this member of TEAM WOVEMBER is a very keen mender of clothes! Tom is interested in textile traditions as well as in the physical characteristics of wool, and his mending practice often utilises wool for both its referential and material properties. For instance in the case of… Continue Reading Tom van Deijnen on Working with Wool…
Sheep photos in Wovember
Judging the Wovember competition photographs has taken a short while because in deciding which photos should win, several factors emerged. We realised that because WOVEMBER is essentially a campaign site, the winning entries should somehow make WOOL accessible and exciting for new audiences; to speak somehow of the virtues of WOOL in a way which… Continue Reading Sheep photos in Wovember