Category: wovember
The Journey of Wool Yarn #1
During Wovember we always try to celebrate wool from the field to the finished object and to introduce you to some of the people involved in all aspects of wool work through that process. This year we thought that it would be really interesting to follow one particular story through that journey. Joy McMillan hand-dyes… Continue Reading The Journey of Wool Yarn #1
Uist Wool
Dana MacPhee, director of Uist Wool, is here today to talk about the development of their mill and training programme. The Uist Wool Mill will spin local and other fleece for local craftspersons and for selling outwith the islands. The project seeks to help to revitalise this traditional island industry through creating employment, training and workspaces and… Continue Reading Uist Wool
From the Wovember Archives: Sheep as Propaganda
This post was originally published on the Wovember blog on the 6th Wovember, 2011. It was written by Kate Davies and we are thrilled to republish it here as one of our “from the Wovember archives” pieces. We all probably know that knitting socks for “our boys” became a part of the war effort during… Continue Reading From the Wovember Archives: Sheep as Propaganda
The Wovember Ravelry Swap
Last year Nadine Haarich, a long-time supporter and good friend of Team Wovember, wrote about knitting with the wool of the Coburger Fuchsschaf sheep – a local to her breed in Germany. Nadine is such an enthusiast for Wovember, wool and knitting local that she is hosting a swap for us, over in our Raverly group.… Continue Reading The Wovember Ravelry Swap
The Wovember Instagram Competition 2016
For the 3rd year in a row we are pleased to announce that the Wovember Photo Competition is happening on Instagram. All you have to do to enter is use the hashtag #Wovember2016 on any images which show the ways you are appreciating and celebrating sheep and wool this Wovember …be it showing off woollen… Continue Reading The Wovember Instagram Competition 2016
Introducing Wovember 2016
Since Wovember began in 2011 we have brought you almost 300 posts of carefully curated woolly content. Content from the Wovember archives In the last two years our turbo enthusiasm for wool plus generous contributions of words and pictures brought you a dazzling daily line-up that included a daily wool photograph; a Wovember Words post;… Continue Reading Introducing Wovember 2016
Be the change: an early intro to Wovember 2016
Dear Wovemberists Do not adjust your sets – it is not quite Wovember yet. As you will see there are a few changes going on around here; we are preparing for November. Jointly We hadn’t planned such an early wholesale jerseys China post, so do bear with us while we move the furniture around a… Continue Reading Be the change: an early intro to Wovember 2016
Announcing Winners!
It is time to announce the winners of the WOVEMBER WAL and the WOVEMBER Instagram Competition. If you have won a prize we shall shortly be in contact. WOVEMBER WAL We would really love to thank EVERYONE who participated in the WOVEMBER WAL on Ravelry, Twitter and Instagram. Sharing wool across these platforms really highlights… Continue Reading Announcing Winners!
We thought it was about time we shared with you the prizes up for grabs for this year’s Wovember contests. We shall be allocating prizes when we do the draw in a couple of weeks, but please do have a browse at these incredible prizes and our generous prize givers Sue Blacker wrote last month… Continue Reading WOVEMBER PRIZES UP FOR GRABS!