The language and connections of woolness

What makes knitted fabric really special, is that it doesn’t seem hi-tech at all. It speaks an emotional and sensual language that we all respond to and inspires love and even obsession.The love in choosing yarns and colours, making every stitch and then after casting off the finished project, passing it on to a knitworthy… Continue Reading The language and connections of woolness

The Glastonbury of Wool

Emma Ross is here today with her first post that focuses on wool, wellness and the individual. Craft can be a solitary pursuit, but it is also a very communal one too. Many of us can struggle taking ourselves from the periphery of our own knitting to large events and shows.  You have followed the… Continue Reading The Glastonbury of Wool

Woolness and Me: Introducing Emma Ross

Today we are delighted to welcome Emma Ross and introduce her to you as one of our Wovember contributors this year. Emma will be writing on Woolness and the Individual and Louise wanted to ask Emma a little about herself and what woolness means to her. Hi Emma! Tell us a little bit about yourself. Hi… Continue Reading Woolness and Me: Introducing Emma Ross

WOOLNESS WORDS: The Knitter, Jackie Kay

Today we wanted to share this wonderful poem from Jackie Kay. We have been really struck in receiving your posts on “Woolness and me” how, for many of you wool work yields a sense of purpose; of self-definition; of dignity and of resilience. Those themes permeate this poem and are key, we feel, to woolness.… Continue Reading WOOLNESS WORDS: The Knitter, Jackie Kay

Wool, Wellness and You

As you can see from our website, the theme for Wovember 2017 is “Woolness: where wool meets wellness”. We are really looking forward to exploring this subject this Wovember and talking about the myriad ways in which wool can contribute towards, and promote, wellness. So what do we mean by “wellness?” You may have heard… Continue Reading Wool, Wellness and You