Wovember Words: Fine wool takes up little space

The distinctive voice of Elizabeth Zimmerman has featured in Wovember Words several times previously. Today we are sharing extracts from her notes on knitting a Pi Shawl. A round shawl, in fine wool, on a circular needle, is my invariable companion when space is limited, waiting-around probable, and events uncertain. First of all, fine wool… Continue Reading Wovember Words: Fine wool takes up little space


Elizabeth Zimmermann, famous unventor of many things knitting, gives some of her typical advise on working out how much wool to buy for a sweater. She also touches on the importance of correct labelling of yarn, something we rejoice in here at WOVEMBER! We might also divulge at this point that Shetland wool is Wovember… Continue Reading WOVEMBER WORDS #20

Wool Is . . . a guest post from Ooey Ollie

Today we feel incredibly honoured to feature Oliver Henry on the Wovember blog. Known to Shetland friends and locals as “Ooey Ollie” (ooey = woolly), Oliver has been sorting and grading wool at Jamieson and Smith for almost 45 years. In so many respects, Oliver really is the Shetland Woolbrokers, and what he doesn’t know… Continue Reading Wool Is . . . a guest post from Ooey Ollie