We interrupt our schedule of posts from Shepherds during the ‘Growing Wool’ phase of the WOVEMBER postings to reflect on recent events in the world of blade-shearing, handspinning & handknitting, and to bring you news of the momentous use of this fleece, grown on the back of a now famous Norwegian sheep! Who else was… Continue Reading The revolution WILL be televised!
Tag: sheep
Layter – a celebration of sheep and wool
This post originally appeared on the Kate Davies Designs blog on the 1st of WOVEMBER 2013, and is republished here in celebration of sheep and wool! In case you hadn’t noticed, today is the first of WOVEMBER! I thought I’d begin the month by showing you a garment that, like no other I can think… Continue Reading Layter – a celebration of sheep and wool
Kate Woolwinding on Working with Wool…
Today’s WOVEMBER posts are all personal accounts from far and wide, from people who work with wool. This morning, we shall revisit the Welsh mountains where Kate Woolwinding lives, to learn about how some local Black Welsh Mountain sheep are inspiring her own work with wool… October 27, 2012 I love working with fleece. It’s… Continue Reading Kate Woolwinding on Working with Wool…
Snow White Blacknoses?
These photos were contributed to the WOVEMBER 2012 competition by Ericka Olsen Stefano… WOVEMBER wonders if they are Snow White Blacknoses, as featured in this documentary film, and what their wool is like? Can anyone enlighten us? ‘I’m sending in three photos of sheep in Switzerland. The unusual looking breed is from the upper Valais,… Continue Reading Snow White Blacknoses?
An end of Wovember story
When I was at Art College, we were set a year-long-project in which our task was to trace the whole of Art History through a single topic. We were to collect images from all eras of the history of Western Art relating to a single theme, and to then organise these into a timeline. The… Continue Reading An end of Wovember story
Wool Is . . . a guest post from Ooey Ollie
Today we feel incredibly honoured to feature Oliver Henry on the Wovember blog. Known to Shetland friends and locals as “Ooey Ollie” (ooey = woolly), Oliver has been sorting and grading wool at Jamieson and Smith for almost 45 years. In so many respects, Oliver really is the Shetland Woolbrokers, and what he doesn’t know… Continue Reading Wool Is . . . a guest post from Ooey Ollie
Woolsack and Sue Blacker
One of the companies which I admire very much for its work with British Wool is The Natural Fibre Company, a specialist wool mill at Launceston on the Devon-Cornwall border where wool growers can pay to have their fleeces spun into yarns. As well as offering this service to wool growers, The Natural Fibre Company… Continue Reading Woolsack and Sue Blacker
Deb Robson’s take on endangered sheep breeds
We are absolutely delighted this evening to be featuring Deb Robson as our guest blogger. Deb has been extremely supportive of our WOVEMBER aims, emailing us on the very day that we published this site with warm words of encouragement in spite of having a schedule absolutely full of fibre-related and WOOL-centric classes to teach. If… Continue Reading Deb Robson’s take on endangered sheep breeds
January 2010 “snowcase” revisited
You are amazing. Thank you for your interest in Wovember, for your thoughtful comments on product descriptions and fibre content, and for publishing your own thoughts on the Wovember issues elsewhere on the Internet. It is really encouraging to see the response to Wovember and a real pleasure to upload your photos whenever we can… Continue Reading January 2010 “snowcase” revisited
Walter’s Crook
Throughout Wovember we shall be sharing blog posts here which gave us extra insight into the history, culture and production of WOOL when we read them. This post was written by Rachael Matthews in 2009, and all the photos were taken by her. It is re-published from the Prick Your Finger blog. We shall be… Continue Reading Walter’s Crook